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Can't use 1Password on its own forums?


I am not able to apparently use 1Password to either remember my username or password for logging into

the 1password forums. I am using IE 9 btw.

Any ideas?




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm sorry that you are having some trouble, Dennis. I cannot reproduce any trouble. Please try saving a new Login item on the login page:

    If you saved a login on the registration page, it will probably not work on the login page as the form fields on the two pages are completely different.

    Please let me know how it goes after saving a new Login item on the actual login page.

  • I'm going to bump this as I think it's similar enough to the OP, mostly, but my apologies in advance to Agilebits & moderators if you feel it deserves a new thread.

    So the login page link provided above is great, but it appears there's not HTTPS support for the forum login page available, but I could easily be missing something.

    The other thing that occurs is that maybe you're trying to point out that everyone should use your product, or at least a password manager/generator, to have unique passwords for each website so that unsecured transmissions shouldn't matter (that or perhaps the thought is that there isn't any sensitive info on your forums)?.

    Not a criticism, just observations, for real, not a deal breaker for me.

    Cheers, Sean
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    This community forum is a hosted service, and they don't offer SSL connections. As you mentioned, there really isn't any sensitive information here since it is a public forum. Everything everyone posts here is already publicly available. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Of course, as you also mentioned, 1Password is obviously designed to make the secure thing to do the easy thing to do. There is no reason not to have as long of a password as every site will allow and never reuse passwords anywhere.
