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Question How to synchronize 1P iPhone iPad with Dropbox?

rikpal Junior Member
edited December 1969 in iOS
I had the previous version installed in wifi sync.

I installed the last one this morning and I started to replicate several times the files, but on the Dropbox I was lucky this did not impacted the database of my passwords.

then I uninstalled the application and I reinstalled. Since then, no way to get any password in the 1P Touch DB now.

I read carefully most of the forums following suggestions but no way.

Now the password db on the iPhone and iPad seems to be empty and when try to replicated finish immediately.

I also got several errors like the master password is wrong.

Should I make something special on dropbox, in order to see the agilekeychain file?

the MAC / Win versions continue to work properly. the db is not in the root (also if I tried this too) and it I browse the hidden file .ws.agile.1Password.settings it contains the full path to the db.

pls I need your help.

I have no crashes, but maybe because records are not processed at all.

thx in advance.


  • rikpal
    rikpal Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    I still have issues I believe are not ones of those you listed below as knows issues:


    If you fall into any of the problem categories below, you may want to wait until the next update to try Dropbox syncing. We hope to have these resolved soon.

    There is a problem in the sync engine for users outside North America that causes some data to sync on every sync. We fixed the problem locally and will submit a new version to the App Store soon. Please see sync sends all data everytime for more details.

    iPod 2G and iPhone 3G are experiencing problems. We are investigating how to solve this.

    When you create an item on iOS, it will not appear on Windows.

    my current issue is that I connect with dropbox, the sync also completes, but there are no records within the database. It seems iOS founds it (appears all the messages in the tutorial you prepared, but no records to upload).

    thx a lot for your help.

    my problem is that all my passwords are on iPhone and iPad and without 1P Pro I'm lost.

  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    edited December 1969
    You do not see any records on iPhone or iPad? Unfortunately, this is the same bug that currently affects everyone outside North America. We have submitted a new version for review, please wait for 3.5.1.
  • rikpal
    rikpal Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    ok, I'll wait for the new version to download. thx a lot.
  • rikpal
    rikpal Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    on another thread I saw a suggested workaround to change the time zone of the iOS (iPad or iPhone). But it was not working for me. I still do not find any record in the database on dropbox.