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Improving Generic Account Template

Hello AgileBits,

I find that the Generic Account template is quite useless. It includes fields for only 2 pieces of data: Username and Password. Seems to me that the template should include, at a minimum, such fields as address, phone numbers (toll-free and toll), PIN, account number and company name - basically the contact information for my account.

I've seen suggestions to include entries like this in the Notes template but that template is completely free-form and not suitable. I've also seen suggestions to use the Membership template in the Wallet but, though much more suitable than the Notes template, I don't consider my account information for my TV provider or Homeowner's Association a "membership" kind of account and it doesn't include a designated field to put the address.

I would like to see an improvement to this template so that I can manage account information for my power, gas, garbage collection and sewer companies, et al.

You have a nice product here. I hope this is a suggestion that can make its way into a future release.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the feedback, bigdippertiger! I'll definitely pass this along to the developers. We have some big improvements coming. I think you will like them. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • How about the ability to create your own templates?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'll pass your vote along. Thank, Ron!