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Can't find autosave configuration options

There are some websites that I don't want 1password to ever remember logins for. I log into these sites several times a day (for work) and it's annoying to have to close the "Save this login?" prompt for these sites every time. I want to keep Autosave on, though, as it's very useful for all other sites.

Research reveals that I should be seeing:

1) An option on the "Save this login?" prompt that says "Never for this website" (I don't see this anywhere in either the chrome or firefox extension prompts)

2) An "Autosave Pane" (under 1password preferences) that contains autosave rules that I can configure. When I open 1Password's preferences I only see these panes: General, Security, Browsers, Logins, Backup, Updates, Advanced. The only options related to Autosave are under the "Logins" pane: a) whether or not it should be turned on ("Enable autosave of logins in browsers") and <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> what the browser extension keyboard shortcuts are.

I'm on a mac running v. 3.8.20-31499 with extensions for chrome and firefox.

Any idea what's going on here? Thanks!


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Hi mooflyfoof. Welcome to the forum!

    We've got a stubborn bug in Google Chrome that means that "never save for this site" isn't working correctly there. However you should be able to set this in Firefox (or Safari).

    In the "Save new Login" popup in Firefox, you should see a gear and an expansion arrow in the upper left corner. Click that and then select down to "Never save for this site".

    This is what it should look like this


    I hope this helps. Please let me know.


  • Hi Jeffrey,

    Thanks for your response! I tried using FF to turn off autosaving for a site and the 1password popup didn't have the little gear icon. If you want I can post a screenshot.

    Thinking maybe I don't have the latest version of the add-on, I opened up my FF Add-Ons Manager. I see that I have 1Password 3.9.9. It was last updated October 23, 2012. Automatic updates are set to "Default" (which I assume means yes). I don't see any way to manually check for upgrades, nor are there any buttons or notifications telling me I need to upgrade the add-on. Thoughts?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It would be great if you could include a screenshot, Heather.

    You are currently using the latest version of the 1Password extension for Firefox. I'm wondering if you are seeing Firefox's own password manager and not 1Password?
  • Oh, very strange. I just tried again and this time I saw the little gear icon, which gave me the option to not autosave.

    However, I took a screenshot before, when the gear icon didn't show up. Definitely the 1Password extension, not FF's own password manager:

    My computer has rebooted since then; I wonder if the extension was updated but the updates didn't actually take effect till FF was restarted?

    In any case, the FF extension is now working (yay!) but I'm still not seeing any sort of "autosave pane" in the preferences in the 1Password client:

    Thanks again for your help.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    That first screenshot just shows that 1Password is locked. If you enter your master password to unlock it as it is prompting you to do, you will see what Jeff showed in his screenshot above. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Sorry for the confusion about the Autosave pane. That document you linked to is a very old link which really shouldn't even be up any more. I'll see if we can get it taken down.

    The options you are looking for are right in the extension itself for the past year or so. Click the Settings "gear" and then click "Logins" to access them.


    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!