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Portrait suggestions for iPad

First let me say that 1Password 4 for iOS is brilliantly designed with great attention to detail. In form and function it is a model for mobile app design.

That said I have one principal grievance with the iPad version - portrait layout. Accessing Categories from a dropdown menu is a poor UI choice that buries a commonly accessed function behind a wall, if you will, making the user move their hand unnaturally to the upper left portion of the screen to interact with the UI.

A better solution would be to move Categories to the sidebar, as a tab, that toggles a thin slide out navigation bar (height: 100%) containing all category icons, which can easily be selected with the user's left thumb, without displacing their hand from the device.

Please consider adding that feature to future releases. Thank you, and 1Password 4 ROCKS!!!!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the kind words and feedback, kentpribbernow! I'll pass your suggestions along to the developers. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />