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Mastwer password and short unblock code

raffo77 Member
With 1passwd 3.x i had a short code at the open of the app.

And a master pw to enter in a login data.

Now with 1passwd 4, i have ALWAYS the master password when i enter the app.

Is this what you wanted?

So everytime should i write all the master password?

Can't be changed with a short code?


  • Doesn't the new "Quick Unlock Code"-feature pretty much mimic the old 4 digit PIN code?
  • raffo77
    raffo77 Member
    no, it's totally different

    i want short code only after 10 minutes

    and i don't want master password, except (for example) one time a day

    it's not possibile...

    however i understood agile chenaged a lot of things...

    i don't like to write everytime the master password

    and i dont want to set that i have to insert the short code after every closing of the app.

    but there's no way to reach what i want
  • raffo77
    raffo77 Member
    however the option are too much complex...

    app must be easier and more user friendly...

    Agile, hear this please! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • raffo77
    raffo77 Member
    Howevere, and now i finish:

    i'd add the possibility to set a time amount after which master pasword should be reasked.

    So we could have:

    - master password first time

    - short code after, with a time amount (example: 15 minutes; so we can move between apps with no problem)

    - then after some time (one day? 12 hours) the system should ask me again the master password.

    Stop <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


    So the option preferences should be in this way.

    1) Master password

    - auto lock time: … (options; with the possibility to set the time i prefer, it's so easy!!! not just fixed amount of time)

    - lock on exit

    2) Short code

    - option to activate it or not

    - if yes, auto lock time (it should be less time then the master password)

    - lock on exit ([u]only possible if not set in master password options[/u])
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    There is a bug where you will not be prompted for the Quick Unlock Code even if you have it enabled if the app is locked due to the auto-lock timeout.

    That may be part of the confusion. This should be resolved soon and we can look more closely at the current options and see how we can improve.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • davethis
    davethis Junior Member
    The Quick Connect is not the same as the old functionally.

    Personally I liked having to enter the unlock code and a password to get to my data. All my entries on my phone were set up as High Security so I had to enter 2 things to get to them.

    I feel just having one password to enter is less secure in my opinion.

    You also took away Wi-Fi syncing as well (I am glad to see other are mad about this too). So far 1P4 is a HUGE disappointment .
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2012 17
    One of our goals with 1Password 4 was to make strong security the default. The old PIN code had the downside of being used to encrypt some items and with only 10,000 possibilities, this just wasn't good enough for us to continue with. We did away with that approach in the first iPad version as well. The PIN code was originally conceived as a convenience feature for frequently accessed items in the time before iPhone OS supported fast app switching and background tasks. It was a compromise we were never happy with, but it provided the best balance of security and user experience at the time. We do still have the unlock code available in settings, but it is only used to control access to the 1Password application, never for encryption of any of your data.

    I hope that clarifies the decision a bit. If you have other thoughts or ideas, please let me know.