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1Password 4 deleted a note on iPad

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]While using 1Password 4 on iPad, I opened a Login item and tried to edit an existing note. The cursor at first did not appear in the note box, then suddenly the note disappeared. There was no way to recover, and it was then deleted from Desktop app and iPhone app.[/font][/color]



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm sorry for the trouble. Are you syncing via Dropbox? To Mac? Or Windows? There are a number of safety nets which protect your data.

    Are you able to reproduce the issue? We'd love to make sure it doesn't happen again. It can be almost impossible to resolve an issue if we don't have reproducible steps, though. We'll continue trying to reproduce on our end, but if you can provide the specific steps that would be mighty helpful.

  • I sync via Dropbox and iCloud. I have an iMac, running OS X ML.

    I just reproduced it, as follows:

    Open iPad app

    Select a Login item

    Click on the Note area and try to type; there is no response, meaning the cursor does not move and no new letters appear

    Then click the "edit" button" in top right corner

    The note disappears

    Really disturbing. Fortunately I selected a note that was not important, but the first note I lost WAS important.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm sorry to say that we are not able to reproduce any data loss in our testing. The field cannot be edited unless you are in Edit mode, so the existence of the cursor there is misleading, but no data that was previously in the Note field is affected in any way.

    It is not the simplest process, but restoring a single item from an earlier data file backup is possible. On your Mac you can restore the item like so:

    1. Backup your existing data file: [b]File > Backup[/b]

    2. Restore a backup from prior to the incident: [b]File > Restore…[/b]

    3. Select the item(s) you wish to restore to the current data file

    4. Select [b]File > Export Selected Items > 1Password Interchange File…[/b]

    5. Restore the backup you created in step one

    6. Import the 1PIF data

    [i]Please be aware that the 1PIF information is not encrypted and should be handled with care while in transit and securely deleted once the information is safely imported into an encrypted 1Password data file.[/i]

    We'll continue to test this. Let me know if you have any additional details to provide such as "only in portrait mode" or "not reproducible on iPhone". We take data integrity extremely seriously and what you experienced should obviously never happen.
  • Thanks, Khad. I was able to retrieve the note by putting my iPad into Airplane Mode, opening my old version of 1Password, and copying the note.

    I'm gonna keep my old version of 1PW on the iPad for a few more days, just to make sure I can retrieve any lost data.

    Thanks again.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I am still unable to reproduce the issue, but one of the other guys on the team has reproduced it. We should have a fix available soon. I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I'm glad your data was not actually completely lost and you were able to retrieve it.

    Please do let me know if there is anything else we can help with in the meantime.

  • I was also able to reproduce it.

    And again, the note was lost. But fortunately I was able to retrieve it.

    Looking forward to fixes soon.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thank you for following up. This will be fixed in an update.
  • Is there any timeline for when updates will be released with these fixes?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We don't normally pre-announce features or fixes as many factors (some beyond our control) affect them. This is definitely on our list, though.
  • jbw121199
    jbw121199 Junior Member

    I had the same/similar problem. I was editing a password item note on iPad in 1P 4. The note section disappeared at some point. And was synch'ed so as to remove it from Mac as well. I am synching 1P to both iCloud and Dropbox on iPad.

    Thanks for the idea to look in the old version of 1P on iPad - data was there. Will keep old version around a little longer I guess!

    1st time 1P lost any data in may years of use. But that's why I like the automatic backup in 1P!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    Thank you for following up on this with some additional confirmation. We won't be able to push an update right now since iTunes Connect is shut down for the holidays, but hopefully we can have this resolved in an update as soon as possible.

    Happy holidays! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />