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Remove master password from keychain


First up, great job on version 4. You've clearly taken some tough decisions which have ticked a few people off, but to me, they seem like the right choices. As a software developer myself I appreciate it when a team builds for the long term even if it means taking some heat from those that want everything to be perfect all of the time (for free! with a cherry on! by yesterday!) I look forward to seeing the improvements roll out to the desktop version in due course...

One change that I particularly welcome is the move away from storing the master password in the iOS keychain - that bugged me on a number of levels in the old version. I have a question relating to that. I remember seeing in another post somewhere on here that iOS is not very good at tidying up after itself, and removing an app does *not* remove saved Keychain entries for that app. Since not having the master password in the keychain is one of the big steps forward in v4, I was wondering how I could ensure that it gets removed before I delete v3... will turning off DropBox sync in v3 do the trick or is there some other magic I can do?




  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Thank you for the kind words, [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Lucian![/font][/color]

    In version 4 turning off Dropbox will also remove all Dropbox authentication tokens from the keychain. I went to 1Password 3 code to double-check, and it is removing the stored passwords when you reset Dropbox sync.
  • Thanks roustem, that's really helpful - have deleted all the old app stuff now and feel considerable better knowing that my master password is stored nowhere except my head!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We feel the same way. It was stored very securely before, but not being stored at all is even better.

    Happy holidays [url=""]again[/url], Lucian! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
  • For those of us that already deleted the app, but want to do the same thing, is it simply a matter of reinstalling v3, resetting Dropbox in it, then deleting it again?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    That should work. I'm not sure offhand of a better solution. Perhaps Roustem knows of one.