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Protocol (http/https) required for Go & Fill

kenoli Junior Member
We just installed 1password on our iPhone. We have been unable to access the internal browser. The instructions say tap the arrow next to the URL for the given site. There is no arrow but when we tap the url itself something that looks like a browser opens up with the URL in the window at the top, but nothing loads. Just a blank window below.

What are we missing/doing wrong.

Please help. We have all these nice logins and passwords entered and can't use them.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Sorry for any confusion, Kenoli. It sounds like you may be looking at the 1Password 3 User Guide as there was an arrow next to the URL in 1Password 3. Here is the 1Password 4 User Guide:

    Can you confirm for me that you are able to load sites in Safari on your iOS device?

    Can you also confirm for me that the Login items begin with http:// or https:// ? For example, if you have a Login saved for Facebook, the "website" field should be "" rather than "facebook" or "".

    This is changed for an update if you have too many sites with incomplete URLs and would rather wait for the update. Otherwise, if you do not want to wait for the update, just add the correct protocol to the URL. It should work well then.

    Please let me know how it goes.