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Anyone Actually Use Bluetooth With your Phone?

edited December 2012 in Lounge
So i have recently discovered that the less i deal with my phone directly the better my quality of life should be. I have deleted pretty much all the bs social networking apps from my phone and try my damndst to keep my eyes off of the screen. But the problem lies with my phone - the actual phone part- i get a lot of calls per day for business and well, i hate it. Good for business but bad for my anti phone phase. A buddy of mine got me off of the iOS band wagon and into the android eco system a while back and uses a blueant q2, now i would like to take his word for it and im sure i can, but im intesteed to know what the what the community uses, if any....


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Jasper! I must say that your post seems a bit suspicious since your first post includes a link to a product page on a specific website. I've removed the link just so it is not perceived as spam (in case it isn't [i]actually[/i] spam). This is the AgileBits forum for 1Password, so I'm not sure how many responses you'll get about Bluetooth headsets.

    But good luck. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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