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1PSW4 Browser — how to "search within the page"

JDW Junior Member
After lingering in this forum for about a month reading the experiences of others, I decided today to purchase 1PSW4 for my iPad3. Everything was very smooth sailing, and no problems synching with my data on DropBox. I've been a 1PSW user for a long time, and I must say this version doesn't disappoint! I especially love the new browser because — FINALLY!! — there's a workaround for the ridiculous limitation that Apply imposes on its own Safari browser for iOS that prevents us from using 1PSW within the browser itself like we can on Safari for OS X. So for me, 1PSW4 is a great upgrade indeed.

I have a question today about your new browser. Please forgive me if it's obvious, but I can't figure out how to "search within the page." As you know, you can do that in mobile Safari or any other iPad browser, just by tapping inside the search field in the upper right. That in turn brings up the keyboard which has yet another little field in the upper right that says "Find on Page." Since I use that "Find on Page" feature far more often than I even use 1 password while I'm browsing on my iPad, I find it's omission rather troubling. So if there is a way to access it, please let me know. And if there is no such feature at this time, please consider implementing it as soon as possible. It's absence really does degrade the browsing experience.

Many thanks!


  • JDW
    JDW Junior Member
    Please forgive me but I have one more related problem to add. I see that typing in keywords into the browser's address bar and hitting return produces a web search. But strangely, when you start typing into the address bar, the keyboard that appears on screen on the iPad does not have a spacebar. Why is that?
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Search within page is not available at the moment. We hope to get it implemented in the future.

    The address bar keyboard is currently using a keyboard type for entering URLs and this keyboard does not include a spacebar. We have a new design to solve this issue and it will be done in one of the updates.