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Browser retrieves old data

I am using the newest version 4 on my iPad since it came out abpout 2 weeks ago. I just noticed that the browser seems to get old data stored days ago. Opening the same page in Safari shows up-to-date site.

How can I change the settings that it always retrieves its data directly from internet (not from cache or proxy or whatever)?




  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Hi [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bernie,[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]At the moment 1Password doesn't automatically refresh webpages when switching tabs. In many respects I like this approach as it saved me from needing to wait for the page to reload every time I switched tabs. I've had several instances where Safari has the page I want and when I switch tabs I have to wait for the entire site to reload.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]With that said, I can see your point of view as well: if I have an open tab with content from 2 weeks ago, it will normally be best to automatically refresh the page as the content has likely changed.[/font][/color]

    We'll continue to play with this and try to find a happy medium. In the meantime, please manually tap the refresh button in the URL bar; doing so should force the page to reload entirely.
  • Hi Dave,

    thanks for your quick reply.

    When I tap the refresh button in the URL bar it still reloads the old stuff - could that be a bug???


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm not able to reproduce any trouble with old data being loaded when refreshing a page. If it is a public URL, could you share where exactly you are seeing this behavior?

  • Hi Khad,

    I played a little with other pages requiring pwd. Actually I really like the new browser you introduced in Ver 4, even after I have been a bit mad at you for requesting a full purchase again. I can see now that you are working on your product and to be able to continue that you may need some cash...

    Coming back to the problem of old data: It seems to be related to the site. E.g. Facebook always has refreshed data even without pushing the refresh button. Only my own homepage had this continuous problem of showing data from about a week ago - all of a sudden yesterday it changed to the actual data, so I cannot reproduce that anylonger. When I am doing the next change to my site I am going to test that and will provide you access data via Email (I would hate to publish that here..., I guess you understand).

    For the moment I assume, all you can do is look if there is some problem with the refresh button - that should reload everything and dump all old data.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for following up. We appreciate your ongoing support.

    I'll pass your notes along to the developers. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />