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Masked password which works on Windows/Mac doesn't work on iOS

Hi All,

I've found issue with more advance login forms.

I've managed on Windows save login for account bank ( - there are 2 step verification (which I've split into 2 entries in 1Password , first login, second - password).

Login is simple, password is masked password which looks like: * * * * A * * A* * C * * A (on image: [attachment=1792:Alior.png] )

Using 1Password extension for Chrome I've managed to fill "Saved from fields" hidden fields and everything is working fine on Windows.

The issue is that after sync, on iPhone (1Password4) -[b] this is not work[/b]. - nothing happens when I want to use that password entry on web page in built-in web browser...




  • zarafet
    zarafet Junior Member
    Hi Daniel,

    I have this problem as well and have just contacted Support about this. Will keep you posted.
  • @zarafet , thanks, I'll keep monitoring this case than, looking forward news from you.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The site is using frames. Unfortunately it is not possible to fill data in a frame in iOS. I believe this is a limitation we are not able to work around (intrinsic to UIWebView), but it is a known issue. If/when we can do something about it, I know we'll be all over it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />