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Firefox Browser Extension (Windows) Stopped Working

edited January 2013 in Windows
As of a couple of weeks ago, I am no longer able to use the 1Password browser extension for Windows Firefox (17.0).

After correctly entering my Master Password, I receive the following error message: "Problem with database. Extension database not available. Please press Command-Option-Q to restart your browser and discard invalid". The error message seems incomplete and inapplicable to a Windows environment (no Command key).

My database is intact, trouble-free and available on the same workstation using 1Password for Windows as well as the 1Password browser extensions for Safari and Chrome. My database is also proven to be intact, trouble-free and available from my Mac, iPhone and iPad. It's only inaccessible from Firefox Windows.

I've tried resetting the Firefox Windows by deleting the OnePassword.sqlite file in the \Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles folder ... to no avail. All browsers, applications and plug-ins in question are updated to current versions.

Any ideas? Firefox is my primary browser on my work PC.



  • makahuhu
    makahuhu Junior Member
    NOTE: Only for those brave at heart and good with their 1Password backups...

    I was having the same problem above with Firefox (17.0) on Win7-64, and was in the process of uninstalling and re-installing Firefox (again). I had tried re-installing a few days ago but this time I was more determined to do it right and double check things. While verifying that I totally obliterated my Firefox install, I must have clicked a URL link or something... WATERFOX started up! Oh yeah, silly me, I forgot late one night, many beers ago, I was testing a new 64-bit browser beta. I'm sure many of you recall the story that was in the news and wanted to give it a try like me.

    Long story short... I wasn't sure if Waterfox was what stopped Firefox from working (there are just way too many moving parts to make that call). Maybe later when I have more time, I can do a more thorough test matrix. The good news is... 1Password works GREAT with Waterfox! So now, I'm flying with a 64-bit Mozilla browser and some super fine password features (all be it, only for a day now).

    And yes... I do see a speed bump in browsing. I don't think I'll be upgrading all my workstations, but it definitely feels faster.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, yabbadab99! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    It sounds like you've already tried completely removing and reinstalling the Firefox extension. But for anyone else coming across this thread that is what I would recommend first. And even if you have already done so, I'd like you to do it once more before creating a new profile.

    Other browsers handle the removal of the SQLite file automatically when you remove an extension, but you will need to do this manually for Firefox:

    1. Open Firefox.

    2. Remove the 1Password extension.

    3. Enter [b]about:support[/b] in the address bar and press Return.

    4. Click the "Show Folder" button.

    5. Quit Firefox.

    6. In the Explorer window that opened, go up one level in the file hierarchy.

    7. Move the [b]OnePassword.sqlite[/b] to your desktop.

    ​Then reinstall the Firefox extension from 1Password for Windows' preferences on the Browsers tab.

    [i]Once everything is working well, you can safely move the [b]OnePassword.sqlite[/b] file on the desktop to the trash.[/i]

    If you are still having trouble, it sounds like your Firefox profile may have become corrupt somehow. Please try creating a new Firefox profile with [i][b]only[/b][/i] the 1Password extension installed and let me know if that helps:

    Please let me know how it goes.