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Old passwords? Spring cleaning.

I've been using 1Password for a while and have collected a LOT of items for the app to remember. I mean a LOT. Which makes it clunky when I'm trying to find stuff.

How do you handle these items? Sure, you could just delete them. But is there a way to archive things you don't use much (if at all). And I'm aware of folders. But that'd require going through EVERY log in. And then remembering what I have the item under. I'm talking about a spring cleaning thing here. As in throw it in the trash or store it in the attic/shed sort of thing.

I'd love to hear how you manage all your logins!


  • Gilles9
    Gilles9 Senior Member
    Have you tried "Nerver display in browser" the dropdown menu beside Display when you edit

    makes them silent...
  • Just Red
    Just Red Junior Member
    Thanks, Giles. But maybe I'm missing something... I've found that option and enabled it from the drop down, but it still shows up in the application. Perhaps it won't show on my iPhone or iPad, but I'm also looking for a way for it NOT to show up in the Mac app unless I go to a particular folder... kind of like an archive.
  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop Junior Member
    What do you mean by "clunky" Just Red?

    I rarely delete anything.

    I make relatively little use of folders and tags. I just use the search in both the browser extension or the main application to find what I need. Most often the browser extension has what I want ready anyway as I tend to habitually visit a site first rather than use 1PW to get me there.

    If I have multiple logins for a given domain (e.g. multiple google accounts), I do put effort into naming them sensibly so that it is easy to find which one to pick from the search results list.

    If you really just wanted to identify candidates for deletion based on age, I suppose you could create a smart folder based on creation/modification date.