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Bad Issue with Safari Tab´s using 1PW Extensions


Safari behaves unusually since I've installed 1 Password (newes version) with the Browser extensions!

I have recently some issues that Safari 6.02 opens sometimes 2 tabs with different websites!

Where the problem comes is unclear to me, but in the first tab my regular startup page was opened,

and in the second tab the agilebits support site (Browser Extensions) will be opened.

I have reset Safari and also using Ccleaner Tool to remove all trash away. - same thing.

I also have tested the different kind of options in Mountain Lion with the feature Restore selected window,

but nothing helps.

Thank you. (Sorry for my english..)



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    If you reset Safari with the "Remove all website data" option enabled (or use a cleaning tool to remove data from Safari) then 1Password's sandboxed database will be removed. If 1Password's database is removed then it has no choice but to behave as if it was first installed by displaying the Welcome Guide. Here is our support article on the issue:

    The easy solution is to not delete 1Password's database (which you shouldn't really be doing anyway) so 1Password doesn't think it was just installed. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!