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Trouble setting up iCloud syncing

I have read through the user manual, and this forum, and I remain mysterfied how I get my existing 1Password data on my iPhone, to my new iPad which now also runs 1Password.

They both sync throug the same iTunes account, why is the data not simply synced when I backup the iphone in iTunes, and then sync the ipad?

I dont have drop box, but would have thought iTunes could do it. Can it? How? Should be simple.



  • Do you have iCloud backup enabled on both devices? If both use the same AppleID, that should do it.
  • Yes, iCloud is on on both devices, they are on the same Apple I'd, and on the same wi fi network. I just tried to sync again, but no data is getting to the iPad from the iPhone. Open to suggestions.

    Ok, have download 1password for my mac. That allowed me to sync the the data from the iPhone, though I noticed the password are hidden in the synced data (?).

    But a sync on the iPad still doesn't get into data into it. Seriously, it should be be this hard.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Vulch! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    iCloud should be syncing the data from one iOS device to another. You said that "iCloud is on on both devices", but I just want to confirm that you are referring to iCloud syncing being enabled [b]in 1Password's settings[/b] on your iOS devices since that is separate from your device's iCloud settings (which also need to be enabled).

    Please carefully follow the steps here and let me know how it goes: