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No built-in browser?

Hi everyone, I'm new to 1Password.

I really like the built-in browser in the new iOS version.

However, I just downloaded the Mac version from the website but I don't seem to find any built-in browser. Am I missing something? Do I have to wait for version 4 for this? Or even longer?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, poobear! Thanks for taking the time to contact us.

    1Password for iOS has a built-in browser because Apple does not allow any iOS apps to integrate with any other iOS apps. On the desktop things are a bit different. All the major browsers provide extension APIs so the 1Password browser extension can be installed in your favorite browser (or all three of them if you want: Safari, Chrome, and Firefox).

    You can install the extension from the menu bar in 1Password for Mac. Here is a screenshot:


    Then just follow the onscreen instructions to install the extension for your browser(s). Please don't skip the onscreen instructions. The extension installation will not be complete until you follow the steps on the extension download page. They are slightly different for each browser, but they are pretty straightforward and listed step by step with screenshots.

    Once you install the extension you will be greeted with a Welcome page which explains how to use the extension to automatically save and fill Logins. You can also fill Credit Card and Identity items, and there is a built-in password generator. You can refer back to the Welcome Guide at any time if you need to. Here is the link:

    [size=5][url=""][b]Welcome to the 1Password extension![/b][/url][/size]

    The browser extensions have been available for many years and are one of the best ways to make the most of 1Password on your Mac. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
  • Thanks for the reply.

    The reason I want built-in browser is to not worry about all the cookies I leave in Safari. Because of tracking/logging etc ( A browser in 1password could isolate these cookies and delete them when I close the window.

    Do you happen to have any opinion on this, and any solution?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    You can use Safari's Private Browsing mode, Chrome's Incognito Mode, or Firefox's Private Browsing. These features are built right into the browsers and will not record cookies or history while using them. There are also many robust extensions for all three browsers that can help you manage your privacy. [url=""]Ghostery[/url] is a popular one.