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Clipboard possibly clearing prematurely

Using 1password 4.1 and iOS 6.0.2 and I'm having problems copying and pasting my apple ID password. Here's what happens, I copy the password, when I tap into the password field in the apple ID prompt, I don't get the option to paste. Nothing happens and I can't paste it. This seems to come up mostly when trying to do in app purchases but it has happened when downloading new apps as well. Eventually, I can get it to work but I can't tell if it is the quitting the apps from the background, the resets, or just random luck. I'm using an iPad 3 and a verizon iPhone 5. Any suggestions are appreciated!



  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop Junior Member
    There is a 1PW setting to clear the clipboard that defaults to 90 sec (in Security section). Could you be falling foul of that?

    I have noticed on one or two occasions that my copy gesture in 1PW didn't seem to put the password on the clipboard but I could never reliably reproduce that issue. It works almost all the time.
  • No, this was way quicker than 90 seconds. Like I said, it seems to happen more consistently when trying to do in app purchases. Another interesting thing is that when this happens, I can't paste to anything. It's as if there has been a blank pasted to the clipboard, or as if the clipboard doesn't think there is anything in it.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Since you mentioned the 90 seconds yourself, is it safe to presume that you are still using the default "Clear Clipboard" setting of 90 seconds? Could you try setting it to "Never"?

    I've been trying to reproduce this but can't seem to at all. Do you have a set of steps that show the issue in a consistently reproducible way? I'd recommend copying from 1Password and pasting somewhere where you can see the text like a note app or similar.

    If things are working when "Clear Clipboard" is set to never, try setting it to 30 seconds and test to make sure you can paste within 30 seconds. Then try 60 seconds. I'm trying myself and can't seem to break it but perhaps you can. It is always helpful when someone can break things in a way that is reproducible. If it is not reproducible it can be very hard to resolve the issue. Hopefully we can figure out where things are breaking down.

    Thanks for reporting this, and thanks for your continued assistance in tracking it down.
  • I open 1password, select the itunes password and tap on the "select" button. I then quit 1password and open up the app I need to update (recently it has been Pinball Arcade). When the dialogue comes up for my password, I tap and hold and I get nothing. No option to paste. The entire operation takes all of 10-15 seconds, if that.

    Had the problem again. Switched the clear clipboard setting to never (from 90 seconds I think), tried again, and once again I did not get the option to paste the password. Force quit both 1password and Pinball Arcade and tried again, same problem. Force quit both apps and tried to copy and paste the password into notes, same problem. Did a hard reset, redid the whole sequence with pinball arcade and it worked that time. It's very frustrating. I don't know if the reset did it or it just decided to work. I've had it work without doing the hard reset.

    Do you have any suggestions for how I can test this without having to actually do in app purchases or buy a new app?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]Did a hard reset, redid the whole sequence with pinball arcade and it worked that time.[/quote]

    Have you had the problem again after restarting your device?

    [quote]Do you have any suggestions for how I can test this without having to actually do in app purchases or buy a new app[/quote]

    Absolutely. As I mentioned above: "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'd recommend copying from 1Password and [b]pasting somewhere where you can see the text[/b] like a note app or similar.[/font][/color]"

    That will show if the problem is with the copying or with the pasting. If pasting works in another app but not in the Apple ID prompt then the problem is not with 1Password but with the Apple ID prompt which is unfortunately not anything we have control over.

    Please keep me posted.