This is a staging forum for AgileBits, not an official support forum. Visit instead. login form requires a click to reveal

Go to [url=""][/url] and in the top right corner of the screen you will see the login button. Click the login button and you will notice that it opens a separate pop-up within the same browser window (the login screen is not it's own page).

If I go to and click on the login button manually (to bring up the actual login fields), then use the 1Pass plug-in for Google Chrome to fill out the form, everything works fine.

This is OK but i want 1Pass to streamline the process of frequently logging in to this site, minimizing the number of key strokes and mouse clicks. I want to simply click on the shortcut in the plug-in, opening the page and logging-in automatically.

However, because the 1Pass plug-in does not know to click the login button on the home page first, it just tries to enter the user/pass info into the fields on the home page (which are intended for the URL you want to shorten) which causes an error and leads me to a useless error page.

How can i work around this?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Unfortunately there is not really anything we can do since the site does not provide a login form that doesn't require a click to display. They would need to change the login form on their site. For now you will need to continue clicking the button to reveal the login form before 1Password can fill it. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer, but I suggest you contact Tiny URL with your request. They may not even be aware of the issue, and unless their customers let them know they have no way of knowing how they need to improve.

    Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with in the meantime.