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Issues with using 1Password for two users, sharing one keychain

I've done the following a number of times before for clients, but had an issue this week:

The goal is for a couple to share 1 keychain, on two user accounts on the same computer.

• Setup 1Password for user A, with 1Password keychain in their Dropbox folder in a folder called "Our Shared Stuff"

• Share the folder to the other user via Dropbox Sharing.

•Switch to other user, accept the folder, wait for it to sync, open 1Password, and have it open that shared keychain

(at this point, I realize that the application's preferences are not set to use the Dropbox folder, so I think it copies the keychain into it's container?)

• Switch back & forth between two users, and see that things are hinky*

• Realize that one user isn't using the Dropbox version, go to preferences, and say "use dropbox"

Now at this point, what I really need is to "select the dropbox version" not move the Container of data into dropbox.

As I type this, i realize that there's no way to make this happen with the App Store version... is there, and that I need to drop back to the non-Mac App store version...

OR - Is there a way to make 1Password from the Mac App store "adopt" and existing agilekeychain.. instead of use one that it puts there itself?


* That's the technical term for it, yes.


  • I have been thinking about how to do this for a while now but have not come up with any robust way. If anyone from Agile can suggest a supported method of my wife and I sharing a keychain from our separate MAC accounts I would be very grateful.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]As I type this, i realize that there's no way to make this happen with the App Store version... is there, and that I need to drop back to the non-Mac App store version...[/quote]

    It certainly is possible. However, I believe the problem may be that you moved the data file to a different folder than the one 1Password placed it in. Please do not do that.

    1. Sync your exiting data file via Dropbox

    2. Share the "1Password" folder that contains the [b]1Password.agilekeychain[/b] data file (if not using the same Dropbox account). Do not share [b]1Password.agilekeychain[/b]. Rather share the "1Password" folder in the root of your Dropbox folder.

    Please DO NOT click the "Use Dropbox" button for the second user. That will just copy that users data file to Dropbox

    [quote]I have been thinking about how to do this for a while now but have not come up with any robust way. If anyone from Agile can suggest a supported method of my wife and I sharing a keychain from our separate MAC accounts I would be very grateful. [/quote]

    Just sync the data via Dropbox between the two accounts. If you are using the same Dropbox account you don't even need to use [url=""]Dropbox's share folder feature[/url] since the point of Dropbox is that the same data is synced to the Dropbox folder on all machines (or user accounts on the same machine).