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1Password and Dropbox: "move to Dropbox" greyed out

I have both 1Password and Dropbox successfully installed on my Mac desktop and as apps on my iPad. When I go under "preferences" in 1Password on my desktop Mac, "move to Dropbox" is greyed out, although the agile keychain is displayed. Until I can move my data to Dropbox, I can't access it on my iPad.


  • The Dropbox app on my iPad cannot find my 1Password data files, although they display successfully in Dropbox on my desktop Mac. Other files I've transferred to Dropbox from my desktop display successfully.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi there,

    There are three reasons for the grayed out Dropbox option:

    1. Your data file is already in Dropbox folder, no need to move it. Please make sure to read the data file path to confirm it's in the Dropbox folder. If not, skip to step 2 or 3.
    2. Your Dropbox folder is in a non-standard location, in other words, it's not in your Home folder. Read this for on how to fix this
    3. Dropbox is not installed nor running. Please reinstall Dropbox from their website

    After you do either 2 or 3 here, the button should then work in 1Password's Preferences.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai


    I merge both your topics into the same thread. Can you tell me if the previous post I made helped at all?

  • Hi MikeT,
    I have the same issue as the original poster. I read the document you linked and I understand the issue is that the MAS version is sandboxed and that Dropbox sync requires my Dropbox directory to be set up in my home directory.

    In my case, I am using a SSD which is rather small. Therefore, I moved my Dropbox dir to a different / larger drive. I created an alias of my Dropbox dir and put it in ~home, hoping that the alias would be followed. Unfortunately, I received this error instead:

    Failed to copy '/Users/foo/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain' to '/Users/foo/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain': Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=512 "“1Password.agilekeychain” couldn’t be copied to “1Password”." UserInfo=xxx {NSUserStringVariant=(
    ), NSDestinationFilePath=/Users/foo/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain, NSFilePath=/Users/foo/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f9a4aa583f0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Not a directory"}

    I suppose that little trick was already considered. Is there really no other way to work around this?

    I realize asking this question is basically asking to circumvent the sandboxing permissions, which means it's probably a moot point, but it is an inconvenience of my main computer. It's fine for my other devices and computers, where the Dropbox dir location is not an issue.


  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator

    No symlinks will not work I tried myself in the beginning.

  • Thanks for writing - I found some other forum posts from other people and this is "just the way it is." Not Agile Bits's fault as I see it. I guess I just have to bite the bullet and move the Dropbox dir back to my user home dir (and/or move my user home dir somewhere else, etc etc).

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @SamX,

    We will work with Dropbox differently in the next version of 1Password, which is a free update for all MAS customers, which should theoretically allow you to have the Dropbox folder on other drives but we cannot make any promises until we test it.

    MAS seem to have some issues with symlinks in general, there are many reports about it and Apple's aware of it as those reports were sent to Apple.

    Hopefully, Apple will find solutions and be more flexible in future versions of the Mac App Store and OS X.

    It is likely that Apple would recommend people to fuse their SSD/HDD into a fusion drive, so it appears as a single volume, rather than two volumes, thus no symlinks are required but who knows with Apple.