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How to synchronise correctly?

Once a day, i had an iMac, an Mac Book Pro and an iPhone. They work together with my NAS Synology and its CloudStation. I was happy.

Last week, i bought an iPad.
When i look for 1Password for iPad, it was a release 4 and same for my iPhone, but not for the Macs which remained in release 3. And the problems began !

My Macs have their synchro by CloudSation in the NAS, and i can't synchronize iPhone and iPad with them.
It's only possible when i have both the two releases of 1Password, side by side on each IOS device. In this case, I synchronize the release 3 and after, i transfer the data to the release 4.

Is there something else to do with simpleness for synchronization? Many thanks for your assistance.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    Dropbox has been and continues to be the recommended sync solution since not only does it work across all supported platforms (i.e. Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone), but it is also fully automatic once configured as well as secure.

    Please note that we strongly recommend against storing your 1Password data file on an external or network volume for reasons of data integrity and availability. Dropbox always keeps a local copy on your internal drive so the data is always available. Only a copy is synced, not the active data file itself.

    I'm not sure exactly what kind of setup you had before, but we cannot guarantee that an unsupported solution you have set up yourself will work. That said, I'd love to better assist you if you can provide some more details. Were you perhaps syncing via Wi-Fi with 1Password 3 for iOS? If so, please be sure to read our blog post on this:

    If you are unwilling or unable to sync via Dropbox, you will need to wait for 1Password 4 for Mac to sync via iCloud.

    If you are unwilling or unable to sync via iCloud, you will need to stick with 1Password 3 for iOS in order to use Wi-Fi syncing until USB syncing becomes available.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
