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trying to sync via please.

i am on a windows laptop but using safari browser and i am trying to sync my data with dropbox without much luck, the version of 1password i am using is if that helps. i would be grateful if anyone can help as i am sure its probably a simple procedure, please be as detailed as possible but also bear in mind i'm no bill gates. thanks very much. i also have this installed on ipad and iphone.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi bootsy,

    Let's start with the basics first,

    1. Are you seeing all of your data in the main 1Password for Windows app?
    2. Is your data syncing properly between the Windows and iOS devices?

    Do you use any browsers beside Safari and Internet Explorer? We recommend using Chrome or Firefox on Windows, rather than Safari. Apple hasn't updated Safari in a long time for Windows and we have reasons to believe that they might kill it considering Safari 6 has been available on OS X for months. Considering the security issues in web browsers, it's best to stick with a browser that's updated more often.

    Please let me know.


  • yes to question 1
    data is not syncing properly between windows and ios devices.
    i do use google chrome but have this on the safari browser only, so do you recommend switching my browser to chrome?

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @bootsy,

    We need to fix the issue with the syncing between Windows and iOS devices first before we can focus on the browser.

    As for the browser, yes, we recommend using Chrome on Windows. Safari is better on OS X only.

    To figure out the issue with the sync, we need you to send us your diagnostic report. To generate the report, open 1Password and go to the Help Menu > Diagnostics Report > Send to Agile.

    Let us know when you do, so we can check for it.


  • Hi Mike

    i just want to update you to where i am now, i tried sending the diagnostic report as you suggested but got an error message.

    in my frustration i erased the data from my iphone and ipad, so now i can only see and use the the information i input via my browser, to make it clearer when i open my desktop application there is no information there whatsoever, however i can access all my information via my browser.

    on opening dropbox folder there are 3 folders.
    1password data

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi bootsy,

    That's not good, you shouldn't have to delete any data at all.

    Can you tell me what the error message said when you tried to generate the report?

    Can you open the main 1Password app, go to the File Menu > Open 1Password Data, select the 1Password.agilekeychain folder in your Dropbox folder.

    If that folder doesn't bring the data back, try asking 1Password to open the 1Password.agilekeychain folder inside the 1Password folder.

    Please let me know how it turns out.
