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Feature request for 1Password browser

Since in iOS we can't add a 1Password extension for our desired browser, you guys from AgileBits could develop a good browser for us. I mean beyond a browser that have access to all our passwords, we would like to have a browser that could download files and also have an easy access to bookmarks (like Top Sites section from Safari for Mac). If you add this two things to 1P browser, we could get rid of all others browsers and downloaders from our devices and keep only 1Password.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @DaniloSS,

    We do want to dominate the browsers world.... :)

    The browser is just going to get better over time, just compare how much we have improved from the original browser in 1Password 3 for iOS and imagine what we could do in the near future. We have many plans for our browser and some are going to be just pure awesome to have.

    We'll look into the download feature, especially when we add the support for adding file attachments to your data file in the iOS app.

    I don't think it's possible for 1Password to retrieve your bookmarks from Safari if that's what you're asking, we may be able to add a bookmark to Safari's bookmarks but not the other way around. It is possible that we can add our current Favorites view into the browser, so you can find your Login favorites to open quickly in the browser.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Hi @MikeT,

    Thanks for your quick response. That is good to see you saying that you want to dominate the browsers world. And I think AgileBits has all tools to develop the best iOS browser!

    I downloaded almost all browsers that I saw in App Store and the best one that support downloads is iCab Mobile and also the new version of Mercury Browser. Have a look at these two browsers.

    About the bookmarks, I only asked for an easier way to access our bookmarks that already are stored in 1Password. Adding the current Favorites view right into the browser would help a lot. But you also could add a home page with quick links (with thumbnails) for selected websites.

    Thanks again @MikeT

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @DaniloSS,

    You're welcome. Some of us are fans of iCab Mobile, they definitely have some nice features. Many fans have tried to get us to work with iCab to integrate 1Password deeper but unfortunately, the iOS platform doesn't allow for this.

    Top Sites or the home page is something we'd like to do, the empty first tab is boring but it does make it speedy as we don't have to load anything. We'll look into something simple and quick.

    Thanks again!

  • Please also consider private browsing controls as exist in many third party iOS browsers.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @piecz,

    We'll add it to our list. For now, you can remove your data via the Settings > Advanced > Reset Web Data.
