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Slight Graphical Issue

Following the advent of the iOS 6 jailbreak (hallelujah), I discovered a small fault in the graphics of 1Password. Instead of coming all the way down, the "vault" was designed to only go slightly past what would normally be visible. To me, this is irksome. Yes, no one would normally see this, but true craftsmen strive for perfection even in places unseen, paraphrasing Steve Jobs. I would appreciate it if you would earnestly consider extending it to the bottom of the screen, even though it does not affect the functionality of the application.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi tatchley,

    This is because you're using a non-standard iOS transparent keyboard, we designed it with the iOS default keyboard in mind, which is silver and blocks the whole view.

    The reason you're seeing that area on the bottom is because the whole lock view has moved up as the result of the keyboard, notice how the lock is moved up to the top. When you finished entering the code to unlock, you'll notice the whole lock view goes down to bottom, fitting properly the whole screen before completing the unlock animation.

    We did design it to be perfection as accordingly to the standard iOS interface. I don't think we'll fix this since this isn't a bug but I'll pass it on.

  • Yes, I realize the keyboard is different and under any other circumstances this would be no issue, but it is still there. Thanks for passing it on, even if it does end up getting ignored.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @tatchley,

    You're welcome but it won't be ignored, it's in the system for sure, just not at the highest priority. One thing we have to keep in mind is the possibility that Apple may introduce a GUI refresh to iOS and transparent keyboards could happen. Best to stay ahead if we can fix this without spending too much resources on it.