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Before purchasing I have few questions.


  1. Do you support login to applctions like yahoo messenger, skype etc.

  2. I have lot of bookmarks (favorites) in my firefox/internet explorer (which give me lot of trouble to manage) I have nearly 1000s of them.
    Does this software has feature, which can help me organize them properly and keep 1 single bookmark manager everywhere?
    A powerful bookmark manager solution integrated with password manager ?

  3. Can i make a backup of all my data on local PC in simple format, where i can read my passwords ?
    Is our data secure on your website ? Please let me know detailed answer before I make purchase.
    Are all my website passwords stored in same plain text on your servers ?

  4. I also checked another application called roboform, lastpass and dashable.
    I liked lastpass more because of its integration with xmarks bookmark manager.
    What additional features does your software provides compared to this software ?
    Do you provide all features like xmarks and lastpass combined

  5. I have few websites, which asks me passwords in .hta formats
    (specially some development websites which I manage)
    Does this software saves those and can autofill login there ?

  6. My PC is also accessed by my wife and father for there work..
    Can i store there profiles too using this software ?
    Also some way to keep my identity/profile different from them, cause they also access services like facbook and hotmail.

  7. I have lot of business email accounts, does your software integrates with any email client too ?
    If not this is not a major requirement.. but can ease my life.

  8. I use my bookmarks/sites on ipad, blackberry 9800 mobile too, can your software work there ?

  9. Taking into consideration all the features above, can you suggest me what version of your software should i buy, which gives me all the above functionality ?

  10. Any new features which are in development, which can let me decide to purchase this tool immediately.

  11. Any other features your software supports apart from my requests above ?

  12. Discount and money-back gurantee.

  13. All support options/plans.

Please reply at earliest, cant wait to buy.

Sandeep Kheta
CEO - LogiPrism


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi Sandeep,

    Thanks for taking the time to write those questions down:

    1. Do you support login to applctions like yahoo messenger, skype etc.

    If you're on Windows, 1Password can auto-type the data into those apps. However, it is not supported yet on Macs. 1Password works best for auto-filling your data in the web browsers.

    2. I have lot of bookmarks (favorites) in my firefox/internet explorer (which give me lot of trouble to manage) I have nearly 1000s of them. Does this software has feature, which can help me organize them properly and keep 1 single bookmark manager everywhere? A powerful bookmark manager solution integrated with password manager ?

    No, 1Password is a dedicated password management tool, it does not handle your bookmarks. It does have features to store other type of data such as information from your wallet and secure notes but for bookmarks specifically, it's not the right tool.

    3. Can i make a backup of all my data on local PC in simple format, where i can read my passwords ? Is our data secure on your website ? Please let me know detailed answer before I make purchase. Are all my website passwords stored in same plain text on your servers ?

    None of your private data, especially username/password are stored in clear view anywhere. It's all encrypted with AES encryption among other security features. You can find out more by reading our keychain design document.

    Your backups are also encrypted with the same encryption. You can choose to export your data via text format (CSV) or 1Password Interchange File, which is the decrypted output of your 1Password data and can be imported in other tools if they support it.

    In addition, your 1Password data is always stored on your computers locally, we do not store or host your data anywhere. You may choose to sync your data with Dropbox, which then would place a copy of the encrypted data file on Dropbox's servers.

    4. I also checked another application called roboform, lastpass and dashable. I liked lastpass more because of its integration with xmarks bookmark manager. What additional features does your software provides compared to this software ? Do you provide all features like xmarks and lastpass combined

    No, we do not integrate with any tools nor have a bookmark manager. You can create bookmarks of your 1Password items and/or use the main 1Password app as a way to open sites from, therefore creating bookmarks but it's not a dedicated bookmark manager.

    5. I have few websites, which asks me passwords in .hta formats (specially some development websites which I manage) Does this software saves those and can autofill login there ?

    I'm not familiar with what they are, but you can store file attachments to your Logins in the app. Click on it to open it but 1Password can only auto-fill into standard web sites in the web browsers, it needs the http:// access.

    You can try it with a trial version for 1Password to see if it'll work for you.

    6. My PC is also accessed by my wife and father for there work.. Can i store there profiles too using this software ? Also some way to keep my identity/profile different from them, cause they also access services like facbook and hotmail.

    If they have their own computer accounts, yes, they can use their own 1Password data and your data is protected by a master password, they won't be able to access it without knowing the password.

    If you only have one computer account and they all use yours, then no, 1Password can only read one data file at a time, you can't share a subset of data between family members.

    7. I have lot of business email accounts, does your software integrates with any email client too ? If not this is not a major requirement.. but can ease my life.

    No, we don't integrate with any apps. You can copy and paste between 1Password and the apps.

    8. I use my bookmarks/sites on ipad, blackberry 9800 mobile too, can your software work there ?

    As previously mentioned, 1Password doesn't handle your bookmarks. We don't support Blackberries, only the iOS platform while providing a reader app for Android and Windows Phone platforms. We're working on a native app for Android.

    9.Taking into consideration all the features above, can you suggest me what version of your software should i buy, which gives me all the above functionality ?

    Considering your needs, 1Password isn't a good fit as it's not designed for that type of work. It sounds like Xmarks does what you want and is a better fit for you than 1Password.

    10. Any new features which are in development, which can let me decide to purchase this tool immediately.

    Not that I'm aware of.

    11. Any other features your software supports apart from my requests above ?

    Based on what your workflows, there aren't any other features that might help.

    12. Discount and money-back guarantee.

    Yes, we provide a 30-day guarantee on all sales.

    13. All support options/plans.

    We provide free customer support via email at and the forum here. There are no other plans than this one.

    Hope this helps. Thanks again!

  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop Junior Member

    Whilst 1PW doesn't act as a bookmark manager in the sense of syncronising them across browsers on multiple devices, I think 1PW is actually more useful than that type of product. This is because all the websites that matter are in the 1PW keychain along with the logiin credentials. It is therefore really easy to go from the keychain to the site and get logged in by just typing a few characters in the search field of the 1PW apps or browser extensions.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Right, Penelope is correct.

    1Password can act as a secure bookmark manager, so that all of your important Logins with websites are stored within 1Password, which is the key thing about 1Password. When it comes to storing Logins with just websites and no details, it's not that helpful compared to a real dedicated bookmark manager that can do many things like finding dead links, duplicates and so on.

    1Password can definitely work alongside with any bookmark managers, you click on the link to open the browser and then press Control + \ to ask 1Password to fill in.

    Sometimes, it's just better to have two dedicated tools that does its job properly than to have one tool that does everything but not a great job for specific tasks.

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