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Apple ID and security questions

iphoneuser Junior Member

I finally bit the bullet and added the dreaded three security questions to my Apple ID account after initiating a purchase on the App Store. I manually copied the answers into 1P because I either used a random answer or there is no way I am going to remember the answer. I could only think to add them to the notes section of my Apple ID entry. Is there any way to automate this and to get 1P to fill these answers in automatically.


  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop Junior Member

    Hello iphoneuser. No I don't believe there is.

    It would be a non trivial exercise to build this too because apple prompts for random questions when you go through the password recovery process. Hopefully because of 1PW you won't be required to provide answers to those questions very often since they are most used with 1PW won't let you forget (if you back your data up properly of course).

  • iphoneuser
    iphoneuser Junior Member

    Thanks Penelope (I know I have seen you in a cartoon somewhere). I have put the answers in the "notes" section of my AppleID log in item. I suppose if I ever have to access the iforgot page, that 1P will be able to save the answers in a separate login item.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai


    @iphoneuser, there aren't any technical ways to do this. Apple does not allow apps to integrate with any other apps on the same device. Each app is sandboxed from each other, so they can't touch or see another one. This is why there is not much malware on the iOS platform, it's very difficult to spread it. Also, why we can't integrate with Mobile Safari.

    I'm sure Apple's working on a secure way to let apps talk to each other in the future versions of iOS but for now, like @penelope said, these type of questions aren't asked anywhere other then the Apple's iForgot page.

    So, to make it easy, always copy the AppleID password from 1Password app first (you can favorite it as well) and then open your Apple Store app to buy the apps. :)

  • iphoneuser
    iphoneuser Junior Member

    This was on the desktop app (I put off setting up the security questions on my iPhone because of the difficulty in copying/pasting my answers into 1P on iOS) but I understand what you are saying about iOS. Thanks for the tip about the password.
    I have the answers safe in the notes section and 1P makes it easy to copy this information out.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Sorry, I got thrown off because you said App Store rather than Mac App Store, I should've seen the name of the forum before replying.

    We're working on finding a way to bring over Auto-Type feature from the Windows platform, to let 1Password auto-type for you in certain apps. The sandboxing restrictions, unfortunately, prevents this for now. We'll see if we can find a way to do this.

  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member

    I kinda preferred the old layout, with the forum listed at the top of each thread rather than at the bottom. Also, if there is a way to "like" a comment here, I haven't found it yet.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    We're still making some tweaks to this new forum. I also miss the breadcrumb navigation at the top.