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1Password and Dropbox

Checking my Dropbox folder, I see two 1Password items;

One is 1Password-(series of number).agilekeychain and is 3.2mb in size and has a creation date of Oct. 17 2011
Other is 1Password.agilekeychain, is 6.3mb and size and has a creation date of Oct. 25 2011

Should there be two entries here?



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi BikerBob,

    No, what happened is that in 1Password app, it had its own data file and wasn't stored in Dropbox. So, when you asked 1Password to move your data file to the Dropbox folder, 1Password saw another existing data file in the Dropbox folder. What it did is rename that existing data file and moved your data file into the Dropbox folder.

    Before doing anything, open the main 1Password app, go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > General. Look at the data file path, if it is 1Password.agilekeychain and not the renamed one, you can safely archive the renamed data file elsewhere and leave only one data file in your Dropbox folder.

    I hope that helps, let me know if you have more questions.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    This scenario can happen when you already have a 1Password data file in your Dropbox folder but decline to use it when 1Password asks you to do so. In that case 1Password will ignore the data file in your Dropbox folder and create one in your Library folder. if you later decide to move your data file to Dropbox the existing data file will be renamed and set aside. Only one data file should be located in your Dropbox folder, though, to avoid confusion.

    What is the location of the data file listed in 1Password's preferences on the General pane? That is the active data file. Just to double-check, you can also look at the "Modified" date of the files to see which one is likely your active data file. (The "Created" date is not really relevant.)

    You can archive the file that is not listed in 1Password's preferences and has an older "Modified" date.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
