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A Login used to work, now it doesn't

Re-saving a Login can be useful for Logins that are either problematic to begin with or were once working but have since stopped. Doing this allows 1Password to refresh everything it "knows" about the page. Login pages often change as websites are updated and this can be a necessary but very useful tip. Please try [re]saving the Login like this:

  1. Open 1Password and find the Login item in question
  2. Copy that Login's password to your clipboard, then delete the Login (don't worry, it goes into 1Password's trash just in case)
  3. Visit the Login's site, enter your username, paste your password, and login like normal
  4. 1Password should prompt you to save a new Login—do it, then log out and try to log back in with the new Login you created

If you are still having trouble, please take a look at the “Website Login Issues” section of this user guide.

If the site doesn't log you in afterward, please try turning off AutoSubmit. Open the main 1Password application and edit the login to change the Submit value from "If AutoSubmit is ON" to "Never". This is required in some cases in which the website modifies the form before submitting it or is looking for a literal key press or mouse click before logging in. Turning off AutoSubmit for the individual Login will give you the chance to actually give them what they are looking for by submitting the form yourself rather than allowing 1Password to attempt it on your behalf.