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Why does the 'Welcome to 1Password' page keep opening in Safari?

Unfortunately, if you use the Safari > Reset Safari option before quitting Safari there is an issue with Safari whereby it not only clears website data but also extension databases including 1Password's database. (Fortunately, your data is still safe in the main 1Password application.) When you open Safari again, the extension believes you're starting from scratch since it cannot find the database that Safari just destroyed, so it displays the welcome page.

For now, the best options are to either:

  • not reset Safari
  • uncheck “Remove all website data” when using Safari > Reset Safari, which will prevent extension database from being pulled out from underneath 1Password

Uncheck "Remove all website data"

We have reported the issue to Apple given that this bug affects other extensions too. The bug report is currently listed as "Duplicate". Hopefully Apple will fix this sooner rather than later with a Safari update.

Bug Reporter

Seeing this in Chrome or Firefox?

It is possible that this would show up in other browsers if you have it set to remember and reopen tabs from last time. Many extensions do this and closing the tab before quitting should make it not show up next time.