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Autosave Trouble: Why is my login not being saved?

dteare Agile Founder
edited February 2013 in Knowledge Base & FAQs

If 1Password is not automatically prompting you to save a Login, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue.

  • Be sure that "Ask to save new Logins" is checked in the Logins section of the browser extension's settings.

Ask to save new logins

  • 1Password will only prompt to save unique passwords once per website. If you already have a Login saved with the same password for the same website you will not be prompted to save a new Login. You should use unique passwords, but if you choose not to, you will need to manually save the second login using the + button in the upper right corner of the extension.

  • If the site uses Adobe Flash for the login, 1Password will be unable to save it.*

  • Some websites perform some "tricks" that prevent 1Password from detecting that a login occurred, so the Autosave bar does not appear. When this happens, you can manually save the Login by clicking the + button in the extension.

  • 1Password is unable to save and restore logins for sites that use Adobe Flash. As far as we know, no browser password manager anywhere supports Flash-based sites because it is a proprietary solution and does not interface with the browser much at all. After working with a Flash consultant and reviewing the latest APIs provided by Adobe we found it is still not possible unless websites modify their code to allow it. Most websites realize the problems with using Flash and provide a standard HTML login page as well. If you cannot find one, the only workaround is to save the username and password in 1Password and copy and paste it whenever you need to log into the site.