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How To: Create your Master Password

dteare Agile Founder
edited February 2013 in Knowledge Base & FAQs

Everything you save in 1Password is encrypted and protected by a Master Password that you create the first time you run the app. This goes for your website Logins, Identities you use for filling forms, Credit Cards for shopping, and more. Let's get started.

Step 1: I am a new user

Since you're brand new to 1Password, click "I am a new user" on the left


Step 2: Create your Master Password

Now it's time to create your Master Password, and it can be anything you want. We highly recommend (but do not require—at least not yet) making it complex, not a plain language word, and at least eight characters. Use a mix of upper- and lowercase words, numbers, and even a punctuation character or two for good measure. We also have a couple of great blog posts on the topic: a general overview on creating a strong Master Password, as well as a geek edition


Step 3: Use your Master Password

To reinforce the importance of the Master Password, we lock 1Password after you create yours and require you to enter it in order to start using the app.


Step 4: Install browser extensions and finish setup

After you unlock 1Password with your new Master Password, you'll have to finish a one-time setup process that helps you install our browser extensions and get other things polished up.


You're all set! You can learn about our browser extension and have fun getting started with 1Password!