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How can I use the new two-factor authentication from Dropbox?

Dropbox has just released a new, optional, two-step authentication process. 1Password 3 (Mac and iOS) and 1Password for Windows use Dropbox for synchronizing your 1Password data across systems and platforms. So anything that has to do with Dropbox security is of interest to us and to 1Password users.

The bottom line is that we are recommending that 1Password users not be early adopters of this. Early adopters should:

  • understand the data security gains and risks thoroughly (discussed below)
  • take steps to reduce those risks (have great backups), and
  • be very comfortable using pre-release systems

Our recommendation does not reflect any criticism of Dropbox’s experimental system. It looks (from our brief exploration) like it is done extremely well. But for the large majority of 1Password users, it’s just a little early to start using their two-step authentication system.

For more details, please see our full blog post:

1Password users should wait a bit before trying Dropbox’s two-step verification