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Sync'd data not showing up on my MAC

Data went to my iPhone with no problem, but my 100 plus items on my phone didn't appear on my MAC. Both have the latest updates. Any suggestions? I did accidentally have iTunes open when I first sync'd


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi @Brian,

    If you restart the USB Sync tool, did it show any changes or do they both have the same item counts?

    Try opening the Mac app, go to the Help Menu > Troubleshooting > Clear Cache.

    Did that bring in the missing items?

  • I'm back in business. I cleared the cache and they weren't there, but when I resync'd they were. The numbers look weird according to the sync tool for the items in each app but everything is there and no duplicates. Thanks. I LOVE the new 1Password4 for the iPhone. Can't wait to see the new app for the MAC.

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi Brain,

    That's great, I'm glad it's working better now.

    We can't wait either, the developers are still working hard on the Mac version and haven't shown it off to us yet. :)

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