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Selectively importing login data?


I've been using 1Password since the MacHeist promotion in 2007. As it stands, I've managed to accumulate a ton of logins and passwords: about 500. I'd like to declare 'login bankruptcy': exporting my 1Password database, resetting it within 1Password, and then only importing the logins I need as I find out I need them.

Is there a way to do this? Importing from a 1Password Interchange File imports all logins from the file. I could export each login item individually, saving them into separate text files, but this is a cumbersome process manually, and I don't think 1Password supports a way to automate it through, say, AppleScript (as an example, my ideal script would be able to take the name of the login item, and use that as the name of the text file to export that login item to). In addition, the plain text files would have to be stored securely.

The only other alternative I can think of is to somehow run two versions of 1Password at once, reading from different databases, and copying login items from the old database, and pasting them into the new database, as I need them.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    I'd just use 1Password's folders (File > New Folder) and do it all within 1Password. That way all the data remains encrypted and you have a nice interface where you can see all the item details. ;)

    Move all your items into a folder called "To Sort" or whatever you like. Then go through them one by one and either simply remove them from the folder to "mark" them as ones you want to keep or use the opportunity to categorize the ones you want to keep into other folders.

    When you're done. Just move all the Logins you don't want to keep to the trash or export them and store them in an encrypted disk image.

    We've considered an "Archive" feature (perhaps like a "special" folder) so items that have been archived don't show up in the main listings. I think that would solve your problem pretty easily. I'll pass this along to the developers as a vote for an Archive feature.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
