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1P Reader Android app for BB10?


I was wondering whether you were considering releasing the Android 1Password Reader app as an option for the new Blackberry BB10 phones (Z10, Q10). (Or better still a native build?)

I have a Z10 which is a delight to use, but I am missing 1Password integration as I used to have on my iPhone. It really is a fairly trivial exercise to port an Android app to the BB10 platform (although the Android player is currently at 2.3, but apparently BB are working hard to bring Android 4.x to the platform asap). Unless 1P Reader uses some very obscure APIs perhaps.

I use 1P on both Mac and Windows (and formerly iPhone), so would love to be able to at least see my passwords on the Z10.

I know that you looked at this before, or at least said you'd speak to the devs - do you have anything you can share on this topic?

Pretty please? ;)


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    I can't comment on future plans, but I'll definitely pass your vote along to the developers. Thanks for letting us know you're interested. It helps us gauge demand which is a very important factor for allocating development resources. :)

  • Thank you for the quick reply. Hopefully something will happen with regards getting your wonderful app into the BB10 world :) It's seems to be quite a popular request judging from the comments on (the main BB user site)

  • Let me add my vote to this. Am a keen 1Password user (Mac, iPad and iPhone). Have just moved from iPhone to BB10 and would very much like to continue using 1Password. A port would be great.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    Thanks so much for taking the time to let us know you are also interested, Richard! I'll make sure the developers receive your feedback. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help.
