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Quarantine Issues for Knox for Mac on Mountain Lion

Koz Junior Member

Hi guys,

I've solved this but I thought I'd share this here to ensure that others can find it if needed. I was unable to run programs that were on my knox partition, I got errors like this:

-bash: /Users/michaelkoziarski/Clients/BigCo/Project/Crashlytics.framework/run: Operation not permitted

After some messing around I found that the drive was mounted with the 'quarantine' bit set

$ mount
/dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/Clients (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners, quarantine, mounted by michaelkoziarski)

Because of this every executable was being prevented from running. When I dug into it it was caused by the quarantine attribute being set on the spareimage file:

$ xattr -l ~/Documents/Knox/Clients.sparseimage 0006;50cfe38f;Preview;

By removing that:

$ xattr -d ~/Documents/Knox/Clients.sparseimage

I'm now able to run commands:

$ ~/Clients/BigCo/Project/Crashlytics.framework/run
? 2013-02-19 11:08:29.476 run[48834:707] Crashlytics.framework/run 1.1.1

Hopefully someone finds that useful.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai

    Hi Koz,

    That's great, thanks for sharing it with us. We'll see if we can clear this up in our code.

    Is there a reason you're running apps from within your Knox vault instead of leaving it on your main drive while pointing the data to the vault? We're curious since running apps within the vault would slow it down a bit versus running it directly on the main drive without the encryption overhead on it.