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Favourites not showing changes after a sync

One of my logins for my cinema I use the notes field to store our cinema card numbers
I had mine and my wife's in there.... recently on my iPhone I added 2 of my friends into that notes field on my iPhone

I've just launched 1password on my iPad and noticed my cinema notes on the favourites page only had 2 entries instead of 4 after syncing.

Go to categories and this entry does indeed show all 4 entries so I know it has synced just fine - the favourites don't reflect any updates after syncing :(

I killed 1password launched again and the favourite entry now shows all 4 entries in the notes field.

Expect you should be able to reproduce this bug, I've got screenshots but can't easily upload on your new forums from safari on iPad?
Was a lot easier when your forums worked with Tapatalk :(

Hope you can fix this refresh issue. Thanks
