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Problem with BforBank web site connection process


The BforBank connection procedure fail with 1Password (both Mac and Win versions)
On this site, after entering your "Identifiant" (8 numbers), the system ask you for your birth date.
while using 1Password to log in this site, it fill all the 3 field of the birth date ("JJ", "MM" and"AAAA") withthe same character chain than the "Identifiant" ...
... so it is mandatory to clean up those field by hand !!!

Any idea to have a more fluid connection process ?


Bernard Chabot


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer


    Thanks for mentioning this site. I'm not sure why it isn't saving correctly, but if you edit the fields in the main 1Password application to match this exactly, it should fill correctly:

    It was working in my tests when everything was set exactly as shown there. Please let me know how it goes for you.