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About ability to share / exchange card


In the real life you need to manage many UN / PW couples for you ...
... but you also need to share many of them with some others :
and first of all with your wife and/or husband : bank account, insurance, electricity, tel, gaz, ...

It could be nice to be able to "really" share some information with another 1PW user ...
.. or at least to be able to send him/her a card (as you could do with a contact card o the address book)

Best Regards



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    The concept of sharing and multiple data files within 1Password has been suggested a number of times and it's certainly a very interesting and useful idea! We are considering this for the future, but it is quite a substantial change to how 1Password works right now which means a lot of time and testing is required to add this feature.

    So with that said, I really can't make any promises on a time frame for when we may be able to bring this to 1Password, but that doesn't mean we won't. We've always believed in trying to be as honest and realistic with our users as possible rather than making lots of empty promises.

    I'm sorry I can't give you a more positive answer right now, but thank you so much for letting us know that you would find this useful. We do take the number of users who request a feature into consideration when we decide on our feature lists.

    In the meantime, importing and exporting 1Password Interchange Files is a great way to transfer information between different installations of 1Password (File > Export). It is not automated, but for my purposes it works well since I am not constantly changing the passwords I share with others. This way each user can have private 1Password data and import only the items they need from the rest of the team.

    (Please be aware that the 1PIF information is not encrypted and should be handled with care while in transit and securely deleted once the information is safely imported into an encrypted 1Password data file.)

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!