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Issues with DropBox sync.

kelchm Junior Member
Just wanted to report an issue I ran into with the dropbox sync in the new version. Initially I found that there was no .ws.agile.1Password.settings in the root of my dropbox. By moving the keychain from within 1password settings thisfile was generated. Still, 1Password for Android complained that it could not find 'ws.agile.1Password.settings.' I finally made renamed '.ws.agile.1Password.settings' to 'ws.agile.1Password.settings' This seems to have allowed the 1Password for Android app to begin downloading data.

Shouldn't the Android app be setup to look for the '.ws.agile.1Password.settings' file, too?


  • bmalkow
    bmalkow Junior Member
    edited August 2010
    When I try to sync with dropbox, I enter username and password.

    Then 1Password throws exception:


    08-07 10:23:53.409: INFO/NotificationService(1274): enqueueToast pkg=com.onepassword.passwordmanager$Stub$Proxy@44e1cb00 duration=0

    08-07 10:23:53.417: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(3357): Shutting down VM

    08-07 10:23:53.417: WARN/dalvikvm(3357): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b170)

    08-07 10:23:53.417: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.onepassword.passwordmanager.activity.OnePassListActivity.showDialog

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at com.onepassword.passwordmanager.activity.OnePassListActivity.setFinishSync(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at com.onepassword.passwordmanager.activity.SetupActivity.setFinishSync(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at com.onepassword.passwordmanager.activity.OnePassListActivity$1.handleMessage(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at android.os.Looper.loop(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at$

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at

    08-07 10:23:53.456: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3357): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    08-07 10:23:53.464: INFO/Process(1274): Sending signal. PID: 3357 SIG: 3


    I use Android 2.1
  • Originally, I put the 1password data file in a folder inside of my dropbox folder. The desktop app had no problem with this setup, but when I tried to connect to the dropbox account through 1password on my Android phone, it crashed and brought up a dialog box with only one option: force close. I tried a few times.

    After that, I went back to the desktop app > preferences >general > data file > move and selected the actual dropbox folder (not a sub-folder of it). Then I had to wait for dropbox to sync. Then went back into the Android app and set things up again and it worked.

    There was a message that flashed briefly about .ws.agile.1Password.settings but it went away before I could read it.

    Then it appeared to be syncing for a while.

    Then it said there was an error and needed to force close.

    When I restarted the app and it briefly flashed "Loading Wait" then came to a white screen with text at the top reading: "An error has occurred in the app." Below that is a scrolling pane of text that begins "org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at character 16146 of [..." followed by what looks like a JSON formatted string of text with information from my 1password datafile (unencrypted, although I don't see any passwords in it). At the bottom of the screen, there are two buttons: OK, Send Mail. For obvious reasons, I'm not about to click the Send Mail button. When I click OK the app closes. If I try again, it does the same thing.

    I tried @kelchm's idea to rename .ws.agile.1Password.settings to ws.agile.1Password.settings, but that didn't have any effect. I suspect that may have been related to the first issue and renaming it just "hides" it from the app. Probably would have had the same effect to rename it something else entirely or delete it altogether. (Although the desktop app probably would have had an issue with that.)
  • djwildstar
    djwildstar Junior Member
    edited August 2010
    I get issues similar to both kelchm and bmalkow: initially, the Android application was looking for "ws.agile.1password.settings" (rather than the ".ws.agile.1password.settings" file actually created by the Mac OS X application). I solved this by making a hard link (from Terminal:

    ln .ws.agile.1password.settings ws.agile.1password.settings

    Once this was done, the Android app found the keychain location and downloaded the data files. However, the app now errors out with "org.json.JSONException: Unterminated string at character 21068 of ..."

    I've tried having the desktop application rebuild the datafile, which hasn't helped.

    You can clear the error and go back to using the keychain file off of the SD card by going to the Android settings menu, and choosing Applications, Manage Applications, and choosing 1Password, then selecting "Clear Data", which erases the app's settings on the Android device.
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello everyone,

    There is an issue with Dropbox Integration : some large files are getting corrupted during the file transfer.

    I suggest you to wait couple more days until the new version becomes available on Market.

    Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best Regards,


    Android Developer