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Identiies, sort order, and related keyboard shortcuts

hexley Member
Love the new forums, thanks for listening to your users so we need not go to Get Satisfaction.

When I go to the Edit menu in Safari, and down to "Fill with 1Password Identity", it lists three items:

1st Identity

2nd Identity

3rd Identity ⌥⌘3

This brings a couple of questions up:

1) Why does only the 3rd item get a keyboard shortcut?

2) If in the 1Password application I only have two identities, why is there a third showing? I went to a random website with a join form, and tested each of the three. The 1st identity filled in the second item listed in 1Passwords Identities Vault. The 2nd Identity filled in data from the first item listed in my 1Password Identities Vault. The 3rd Identity did nothing. I believe the sort order of the identities in the 1Password application are not relevant, so what determines the order in which they are used in Safari itself? Perhaps instead of the generic names used in the menu in Safari, it should pull in the actual listed name from 1Password? Is that even possible? if not, can the order that it is using at least be explained?

3) I added a 4th identity in 1Password. In Safari, I still only have access to three of them. Is this normal behavior? I then added in a 5th, and I have no idea what is going on now. The entire order has changed, now when I select 1st Identity to fill in a form, it puts in data from the 4th item in the list. I stopped testing much more at this point until I understand what the order is that is being chosen here. It is certainly confusing the heck out of me.


  • [quote name='hexley' timestamp='1281209457' post='7895']

    3rd Identity ⌥⌘3[/quote]

    And that happens to conflict with the shortcut David Yoo chose for the [url=]Sessions[/url] Safari extension:

    [attachment=151:Screen shot 2010-08-07 at 10.17.32.png]
  • hexley
    hexley Member
    [quote name='sjk' timestamp='1281212552' post='7900']

    And that happens to conflict with the shortcut David Yoo chose for the [url=]Sessions[/url] Safari extension:

    [attachment=151:Screen shot 2010-08-07 at 10.17.32.png]


    Ha ha, I emailed David before I posted here and asked him if he was aware of that and if possible, change it to use the 's' or make it user definable. I will post back here with his response.
  • [quote name='hexley' timestamp='1281212707' post='7901']

    …, change it to use the 's'[/quote]

    Don't know what you mean.

    [quote]or make it user definable.[/quote]

    So far "Clip to DEVONthink" is the only extension I've installed with a configurable shortcut and the limited method it uses (is there a better way?) is kind of icky.

    [attachment=152:Screen shot 2010-08-07 at 11.03.06.png]
  • hexley
    hexley Member
    [quote name='sjk' timestamp='1281215578' post='7908']

    Don't know what you mean.


    Just that since the extension is called "Sessions" it may be more logical to use command-option-s where the "s" is the first letter in "Session". I don't think that key sequence is used in Safari.
  • I'd hesitate suggesting Option-Command-S because it's close to Command-S (File > Save As…) and Apple may eventually decide adding Option should invoke a save-related variation, like with other shortcuts. Ahh… just found History > Search Results SnapBack uses Option-Command-S. Maybe Control-Command-S, or something else with Control since that seems less likely to interfere.
  • hexley
    hexley Member
    [quote name='sjk' timestamp='1281216549' post='7910']

    I'd hesitate suggesting Option-Command-S because it's close to Command-S (File > Save As…) and Apple may eventually decide adding Option should invoke a save-related variation, like with other shortcuts. Ahh… just found History > Search Results SnapBack uses Option-Command-S. Maybe Control-Command-S, or something else with Control since that seems less likely to interfere.


    I have a feeling it will be user definable, so it should not be an issue.
  • [quote name='hexley' timestamp='1281224840' post='7916']

    I have a feeling it will be user definable, so it should not be an issue.


    Here's how the KeySearch extension (also mentioned in my [url=]recent post[/url]) implements it.

    [attachment=154:KeySearch 2010-08-08 at 08.18.22.png]

    Cleaner, but more limited, than the Clip to DEVONthink method. And I'd prefer if extension shortcuts could be disabling (unless necessary) so I'm not accidentally booby trapped by them (e.g. when they override Emacs-like [url=]Key Bindings[/url]) if active/invoked during text input).