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Multi-Page Login

<div class="IPBDescription">Is there a way to configure 1password to log in over multiple pages?</div>There are a couple of financial sites I log in to that present a problem for 1password login items: the login process happens over multiple pages.

At my bank,, for example:

1. I go to the online banking page, enter my account number, and submit.

2. IF I've never visited the site in the past, I'm asked one of three challenge questions (which sets a cookie), which I answer, and submit.

3. I enter my PIN and submit.

Each of these steps happens on a different page—a complicated login process. Can 1password handle these types of login procedures (e.g., with Go & Fill…)? If so, how do I set it up?



  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    [quote name='partydrone' timestamp='1281226233' post='7918']

    Each of these steps happens on a different page—a complicated login process. Can 1password handle these types of login procedures (e.g., with Go & Fill…)? If so, how do I set it up?



    Hi Partydrone

    Please give this faq section a look and see if it helps you out, and welcome to the forums.
  • romad
    romad Member
    [quote name='thightower' timestamp='1281306355' post='7967']

    Hi Partydrone

    Please give this faq section a look and see if it helps you out, and welcome to the forums.


    Unfortunately, for my credit union the first page, "Bank 1", doesn't Auto Submit; I have to still manually click the Submit button. How do I fix this?
  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    Some pages you will not be able to auto submit.

    If you want to verify if its turned on open the login in 1P enter edit mode and make sure auto submit is enabled for it.

    Additionally make sure that auto submit is enabled, in the 1P button, to do that click the button and make sure there is a checkmark beside "autosubmit logins"