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Really worried about Espionage 2

<div class="IPBDescription">Are their plans to meet them head on?</div>I am not sure why I was surfing encryption software this evening but I came accross, now iknow this is the worst nightmare when someone loyal to a product brings up the competition, but I have to say this looks like a good bit of kit, specially the app folder encryption and the folder user interface. I know one is cosmetic, but the app encryption is a bit of a winner.

Just tell me Agile have got this under control and that I shouldn't be thinking of desertion.


  • KG6BGJ
    KG6BGJ Junior Member
    I don't if know mentioning competitive products is appropriate to this forum or this support community, but this topic has more to do with Knox than 1Password. I would move your post to that forum to increase your chances of getting a reply.
  • [quote name='KG6BGJ' timestamp='1281564286' post='8281']

    I don't if know mentioning competitive products is appropriate to this forum or this support community, but this topic has more to do with Knox than 1Password. I would move your post to that forum to increase your chances of getting a reply.


    I would agree with you with regard to mentioning competitors, but realistically I am only mentioning it because I would like the team to go and have a look if they already don't know about the software. I have been using Knox for years now and love the software, and would really love to see some of the functionality of Espionage integrated into Knox.

    Thanks for moving the thread - I must have misread the title.
  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    [quote name='awilso' timestamp='1281646408' post='8513']

    I would agree with you with regard to mentioning competitors, but realistically I am only mentioning it because I would like the team to go and have a look if they already don't know about the software. I have been using Knox for years now and love the software, and would really love to see some of the functionality of Espionage integrated into Knox.

    Thanks for moving the thread - I must have misread the title.


    Actually as long as it is mentioned (competitors app) in a respectful manner I don't think we have an objections, we have folks all the time comparing the password management apps. I for one have a Knox license and an Espionage license. I have tried espionage on and off ever since purchasing it. Each time I find small but good reasons to stop using it. This last time I was experimenting with using it to encrypt my Dropbox folder the entire folder. When doing so I lost some of the DB functions. After removing Espionage then functions returned, we discussed all of that here on the forum. Knox just works and works as expected every time thats my personal opinion. Yours may differ.

    Agile has some plans for Knox but they dont comment on such things until they are sure they can be implemented etc. They also just purchased knox during the early summer so things are bound to be getting wound up.

    It will be getting some attention soon, why you ask. Well 1P3 is out, SL is out, iPad is out, 1p ios Dropbox sync is out 1p android is in beta, 1p win is coming out of beta.

    In my personal opinion its time allbookmarks and knox got some lovin. Oh and maybe a 1p Safari ext, well this one is just my hope. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • [quote name='awilso' timestamp='1281646408' post='8513']

    Thanks for moving the thread[/quote]

    I'm to blame; you're welcome. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator

    Welcome to the 1password forums, I am sorry I didn't notice this was one of the first posts for you. Thanks for becoming part of our community.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    [quote name='awilso' timestamp='1281561541' post='8275']

    I am not sure why I was surfing encryption software this evening but I came accross [url=""][/url], now iknow this is the worst nightmare when someone loyal to a product brings up the competition, but I have to say this looks like a good bit of kit, specially the app folder encryption and the folder user interface. I know one is cosmetic, but the app encryption is a bit of a winner.

    Just tell me Agile have got this under control and that I shouldn't be thinking of desertion.


    Hi awilso, welcome to the forums!

    Knox just moved in at Agile, it was only a few months ago that we bought it. We are still processing through everything and planning for the future. We will not just sit around and do nothing, that's not our style and we have 1Password's history to speak for us.
  • Thanks guys, I know how much your software means to you and how hard you work on it. I am an avid supporter of 1 Password and Knox. I really appreciate the feedback from thightower as it is this sort of feedback that stops us/me from going off and exprerimenting. (I had similar problems with file vault when it first came out.)

    I know that you will have a period of consolidation, and then design (we are a software business too), and I feel that I am welcome <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' /> thankyou for that.

    I know how hard security is as a subject and so sympathise with the challenges ahead. I have spent many hundreds of hours looking at Information security with regard to IT.

    As long as you welcome my feedback I will continue to offer support anyway I can, if this will help you going forward.

    Once again, my thanks for your welcome, and thankyou-all for the hard work and effort.


  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    Hey you are always welcome,

    Even if you have different points of view than some of us. Thats what makes a good community,.... discussion back and forth. I recently had one on the DB forums where another member just put a little tickler in the back of my head on a problem. The more I thought about it the more I really liked his point of view and then just dropped my and took up his as it made better sense.

    Looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

    ps You could be like me register to post a few comments and then never leave. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />