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Search Query limit on words

Gaird Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Can't search terms below 4 chars</div>Hi,

Love the new forum warez, but may I suggest adjusting the search query settings to allow inputs of fewer characters? I search on "drop box sync" and <4 character query terms are not allowed:

"One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords."

It is kinda funny, tho it's hard to come up with another way to spell those and get a valid result ;^) I know I can do 'drop+box+sync' but that type of operator is not as evident for the regular user.

I am rocking the Windows beta, thanks for making my life easier. Now I can tell all my PC friends to get your product.




  • There are definitely cases where three-letter keywords in searches are useful, but in your example wouldn't searching for "dropbox sync" be preferable if someone's interested in finding topics about syncing with [url=]Dropbox[/url] (one word)? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    In that particular case, I would suggest using "dropbox" as a (single word) search term. There may be other annoyances, but it is a stability and security feature we will probably not be doing away with anytime soon. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_sadsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-(' />

    Gaird, thank you for the kind words! We appreciate nothing more than the positive feedback from our users and knowing you are sharing the love.


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