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Multiple database option?


I've been an Agile user/fan for years now (well back into the '1passwd' days). A couple of months ago I jumped on the Knox bandwagon and I'm loving it too. Anyway, my question, or should I say suggestion - I'd love to have the ability to open multiple 1Password databases on the iPad. Since the iPad doesn't have the ability for multiple users, it was either my 1Password database or my wife's (to be synced to the iPad through Dropbox), and I'm not going to tell you who won out there...LOL Is this something that Agile is possibly considering for a future version? I'm not sure of the demand for such a request? It might be just us Family License users... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> Still, it would be a really nice feature. Keep up the great work guys!




  • macpug
    macpug Agile Customer Care
    Hi nelphos, and welcome to the forums! I'm sorry for the delay in responding...we've been a bit busier than usual because of the great response to our recent newsletter, plus the fact that it's vacation time. Thanks for the kind comments about 1Password and Knox. It's always super-nice to hear from folks who've been with us since the early days <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    We really appreciate the feedback about the possibility of multiple user accounts. It is always helpful to find out what features our users would most like to have and what would be most useful to you. Unfortunately, that's not something we are working on at the moment. I wish I could give you a better answer.

    Thanks for stopping in, I hope you'll find the forums to be a great source of information. Cheers!
  • As always, you have to prioritize and allocate resources appropriately, but I was just thinking the same thing and thought I'd check to see if anyone else had mentioned this.

    The iPad seems to be the perfect living room computer, and maybe it's just Apple's fault for not implementing user support on the OS level. I sure would be great to be able to share the iPad for 1Password use, though, since my girlfriend and I share it for just about everything else. Sharing the same user data for games we play together is perfectly acceptable, but I think this is one case where having multiple user profiles is crucial.

    Hopefully we'll see this feature in some future version. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Maggie
    Maggie Junior Member
    I would vote for this also -- for my Mac. Otherwise I have to log off of one account and onto another -- "1Password Anywhere" isn't always the greatest solution.
  • I presume you'd be looking to have two separate data files, one for work and one for home, or something to that effect?

    If so, then we are looking at ways to make this easier to manage, but multiple data files isn't something we feel would work well, especially when working with the browser extensions.