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Gazooo123 Junior Member
I would like to see easier scrolling through passwords, similiar to scrolling through your contacts.



  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Gazooo123 ,

    Thank you for the suggestion, could you provide more info how scrolling for password should look like,

    (I don't see how it is different now from scrolling for other item types).

    I will be glad to review your idea and think what can be done about it.

    Thank you in advance



    Android Developer
  • Gazooo123
    Gazooo123 Junior Member
    Hey Gene,

    When I want to scroll quickly I get a larger tab on the right side which I can grab and then scroll through my passwards seeing the letter of the alphabet. Check out your address book and scroll quickly to see what I mean.

    So if I want to get to the "H's", I can do so much quicker.

    Not sure if I am describing this the best way or not. Let me know if you understand or not.

  • I second this idea. Having the alpha-scroller on the right-hand margin would be helpful. It's lower priority for me than having search work better though.
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello everyone,

    Yes, I clearly understand what you suggestion is.

    I will try to incorporate the large handler in one of the next future releases.

    Thank you for your feedback


  • Gazooo123
    Gazooo123 Junior Member
    I thought I posted this here but I don't see it now. Anyway, can't believe I haven't made this request earlier...

    Landscape support please <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Gazooo123,

    You suggestion about Landscape Mode support is perfectly valid.

    I just want to notice that device orientation is not very stable even with OS 2.2,

    sometimes the application crashes without any obvious reason on change orientation.

    That is a well known issue with OS.I noticed that many applications disallow Landscape Mode

    altogether.Besides, 1P for Android data fits Portrait Mode in most (if not all) cases perfectly fine and

    no other users asked for Landscape Mode so far.

    The only thing which requires typing is a master password entry and it can easily be done with a logical keyboard.

    Anyways, I will think what can be done with the Landscape Mode in a future releases.

    Thank you again

