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Logins no longer automatic

rmschne Junior Member
I'm in the process of migrating all my data from SplashID into 1Password. 1Password is much more functional and worth the long term effort (since no automated way of import).

I'm finding that something has change. It used to be that when I hit web sites in Safari that require an ID and password, that info would be filled in. I understood that was provided by MacOS's Keychain. I've not made any changes to KeyChain, e.g. telling it to stop doing it's thing. I'm just putting stuff into 1Password. I'm not telling 1Password (far as I know) to not allow Keychain to work. 1Password works well when I double click on the entry in 1Password.

Frankly, I'm real sure how all this is supposed to work, but why would Safari stop entering id/password for me (from KeyChain and/or 1Password. Is there a setting somewhere (1Password? KeyChain? Other?) that needs to be reset? I don't recall changing anything, except for auto updates from Apple. Maybe they changed something.


  • This may sound odd, but are you going to the same link that was stored in the other app? If the stored link doesn't match the url for the page you are on, you won't see an option for 1Password to fill in. Safari has an option for AutoSave and AutoSubmit, but I don't think that is what you are asking about.

    Can you describe what steps you are doing?
  • rmschne
    rmschne Junior Member

    yes, same link. For example, in Safari I go to and I expect Safari to remember by login id, either by Google's cookie, Apple KeyChain, or maybe 1Password. It doesn't. The fields are blank. another example is used to know the id and password. now both fields blank and I have to go back to 1Password and copy via clipboard or click on the entry in 1Password.

    I go to 1Password and click on the entry for where I stored my login to the Google Reader, and it works fine.

    For the last year, Safari just "remembered". How, in retrospect, I'm not sure. I have had 1Password for about 1/2 of that time, but did not use it. Now I'm starting to use it but adding sites one at at time as there is not auto import from SplashID (the software I'm migrating away from).

    My expectations are that Safari will continue to remember the logins. I can't figure why it stopped and can't figure how to restart that functionality.

    This is not a huge problem. The fact that how the computer behaves has changed without any apparent cause is the mystery. And frankly, I liked how that used to work.