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Suggestion: Better Search


Is there any possibility that it would be possible to include some kind of "search" feature in a future release of 1password for iPhone/iPad?

I realise that seraching within content is probably beyond the capabilities of this platform, but it would be REALLY useful to be able to search the entry descriptions (and urls in the case of logins). I've got rather a lot of sites saved and although I can usually remember a key part of the description, I often can't remember exactly what first letter is used on the description, so I end up having to scroll through teh whole long list. Some kind of search functionality would therefore be EXTREMELY helpful. Since I am making this suggestion, I would also suggest that it would also be very useful to be able to show/browse "by category" (i.e. by folder) - that would go some way towards helping out as my logins are filed in different folders on 1Password on my PC.

Probably the best way I could describe the sort of thing that I am suggesting is to have a look at the way Groups 2 by Guided Ways handles categorisation and searching. It has a well thought out and beautifully intuitive interface and enables really simple searching and categorisation of contacts. If it was possible to have the same sort of thing in a future release of 1Password on iPhone, that would be fantastic!



  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Thank you for the suggestion.

    Both iPhone and iPad apps currently have a basic search feature but I agree that it can be improved.